Thermal Belt

Amateur Radio Club


Thermal Belt Amateur Radio Club offers:

VHF - KF4JVI 0 145.330 (-0.6 offset) PL tone 91.5 Hz

Echolink - KF4JVI-R Node 158374

Allstar Node 595170

DMR - 440.7125 (+5 offset) Standard SCHEART

Talk groups and color codes

GMRS - 462.650 Narrow (+5 offset)

See for PL Tone


Packet: KF4JVI-10 145.050

Digipeater via KF4JVI-5

VARA FM: narrow and wide 145.530 


Pactor 3/4: WB9AYD

Contributions to the TBARC Repeater Maintenance Fund may be made by mailing a check for any amount you wish to the TBARC address and note on the check that it is for the repeater fund. Any financial help would be most appreciated. Remember that this repeater becomes an emergency communication repeater for all of Polk & Rutherford Counties, Upper Spartanburg and NW Greenville SC Counties during really bad weather. Also, if you monitor the repeater we simulcast over our repeater any Weather Warnings that the Greenville Weather Service at the GSP Airport issues for this area.